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StreetDir.ch - Votre répertoire des rues

Brasserie Lipp


Sur cette page nous avons rassemblé toutes les informations sur l'entrée Brasserie Lipp de la catégorie Café dans Lindenhof. Ci-dessous, vous trouverez l'adresse, les détailles et le plan de la ville avec les indications exactes.

With its aura of La Belle Epoque, the Lipp is a cult site for French brasserie style cuisine. You can find it in the heart of Zurich. The restaurant can accommodate 200 people indoors and 40 people outdoors. Here diners can sample fresh cuisine and enjoy the Parisian ambiance. The standard menu offers a large selection of French dishes such as oven-roasted lamb steak with porto jus, tagliatelle and ratatouille. You can also order the dishes as takeaways ? including the opened and ice-cooled oysters. French culture resonates on the wine list too. The Panorama Bar adjoining the restaurant is a particular highlight. Overlooking the rooftops of the city, it is the perfect place to come for lunch, an aperitif or a glass of wine from anywhere in the world.

Adresse: Brasserie Lipp

Brasserie Lipp
Uraniastrasse 9
08023 Lindenhof

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téléphone:+41 438886666
Web page:http://www.brasserie-lipp.ch

Plan de la ville