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StreetDir.ch - Your street directory
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StreetDir.ch - Your street directory

Welcome to StreetDir.ch, your street directory for Schweiz. Here you can find all important things in your area: No matter if it's supermarkets, cinemas, banks or pharmacies - we'll show you where to find you the next one. For Schweiz we cover more than 9.300 places and regions, with more than 110.000 streets and more than 78.000 authorities, shops and attractions.


MapWallis Thurgau Appenzell Innerrhoden Appenzell Ausserrhoden Schaffhausen Obwalden Nidwalden Basel-Stadt Basel-Landschaft Solothurn Zug Zürich St. Gallen Aargau Luzern Glarus Schwyz Uri Tessin Jura Graubünden Neuenburg Genf Freiburg Waadt Waadt Bern
AargauSpacerAppenzell AusserrhodenSpacerAppenzell Innerrhoden
Sankt GallenSpacerSchaffhausenSpacerSchwyz

Top cities

In our street directory, you can find all important streets, institutions and stores to nearly every town and every village in Schweiz. Here are the 6 most important cities in order to give you a quick start into our directory:

What is StreetDir.ch?

In StreetDir.ch you can find all the regions and all streets of your country. Also you will find shops, restaurants, post offices, and much more from your region. This lets you see exactly where the next establishment is located any time.

Have you been to ...

have you been to Hauterive (NE) (in Neuchâtel)? No, not yet? Well, then you should have look at what there is to discover...

Go to Hauterive (NE) »